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  • Foto do escritorClara Equi

Is it important to have a routine? | Pratique seu inglês com texto e áudio! | Rotina em inglês

Even though some appointments can drive us crazy, humans are creatures of habit, and that is undeniable. Personally, I am a "play it by ear" type of person, so it took me a while to understand the importance of having a routine.

If you, like me, prefer improvising rather than following rules, you may think it would be weird for you to have a routine. However, it is totally possible to have a routine schedule and still do something different everyday. Actually, it might even help to fit in leisure!

When you make arrangements for your day, it clears your brain from all the information you have in store, like "I should call my mom today" and "I need to remember to buy toilet paper". Keeping your day organized lowers your anxiety levels - this is a fact.

Keep in mind that organizing the hours in your day is something good. It will help you finish your tasks faster and better enjoy your free time. It will even have an effect on your eating habits and your sleep quality.

Remember this: the word routine is not a synonym to boring. Plan fun activities and stuff that make you feel good. Afterall, sometimes people forget to give themselves quality time, right? Make appointments with yourself and plan ahead, keeping in mind the importance of sleep, rest, fun and leisure. That is the perfect way of using schedules in your

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